AIdAF Chair, 110 events in 2011
AIdAF Chair, 110 events in 2011
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The Chair in Strategic Management in Family Business results presented for 2011
Internationalization, scientific acknowledgements, growth of visibility: the numbers tell us that the main goals that had been announced for 2011 have been achieved. The last one was a full year for the AIdAF-Alberto Falck Chair in Strategic Management in Family Business, and the results that were presented by titular Guido Corbetta on the occasion of the IX meeting with the supporters give evidence to this.
On the internationalization front, that was one of the Chair's main objectives, a strong increase of the number of participations to international events has been noticed: 110 events compared with the 69 of 2010. Among these, the International Conference IFERA 2011, to which Corbetta was invited as keynote speaker, and the 25th Congress of Family Firm Institute (FFI), that took place in Boston, and during which Carlo Salvato was chairman of the Research Symposium.
The efforts sustained for the scientific research have led to the publication of 9 books and 39 papers, 14 of which in international magazines.
On the communication front, the launch of the new web site ( and of the newsletter Impresa@Famiglia (delivered to 6.000 contacts) have been very important.
The Chair organized the workshop Luxury & Family Business in occasion of the Verona International Luxury Fair, as well as six scientific and institutional projects, among which: Holding di Famiglia, commissioned by Earnst&Young, Borsa Italiana LSEG, oriented to render Italian SMEs aware of the issue of opening capital and Aziende Familiari Milanesi, commissioned by Milan's Chamber of Commerce. The results of the third edition of the AUB Observatory, focused on italian family-owned businesses with turnover higher than 50 million Euros, were presented in November at the Bocconi University.
Also in 2011 the AIdAFChair carried out its programs and courses in Business Management and Family Business for all the levels of the educational offer (undergraduate, graduate, post-graduate and executive), and they have been enriched by the evidence of Family Business' protagonists (among which Alessi, Amarelli, Fontana). As far as the Graduate & Undergraduate offer is concerned, the Chair has introduced the new program Strategic Management in Family Business, entirely in English.
Among the objectives for 2012 are: the consolidation of the Chair's leadership as a scientific point of reference on the issue of family-owned businesses, the improvement of social media activities and the organization of an international event on Family Business at Bocconi University.
Laura Fumagalli