AUB 2025

Previous editions of the Observatory

In 2007, the AIDAF-EY Chair in Strategic Management in Family Business together with AIDAF (Italian Family Firms Association) and UniCredit Group launched the first Observatory on Italian Family Businesses (called AUB Observatory).

The AUB Observatory, focused on Italian family-owned businesses with turnover higher than 20 million euros, is the first initiative in Italy aimed at helping researchers, entrepreneurs, managers and institutions understand the unique characteristics and needs of this particular type of companies. In 2011, the Chamber of Commerce of Milan-MonzaBrianza-Lodi became partner and sponsor of the AUB project, followed in 2015 by Italian Stock Exchange (Borsa Italiana) and in 2017 by Angelini foundation (Fondazione Angelini).

The Observatory is the most complete and extensive recognition available in Italy on family-controlled companies that aims to help researchers, entrepreneurs, managers and institutions to understand the unique characteristics and needs of this particular type of company.

The AUB Observatory monitors about 17 thousand companies with an annual turnover exceeding 20 million euros, and then it focuses in more detail on the over 11 thousand family-owned companies, which have a total turnover of over 800 billion euros and employ about 2.3 million employees.

Here below you can download the annual reports of all editions of the AUB Observatory: