Owners as Strategists 2023

The 3rd conference Owners as Strategists, held online on June 27, 2023 at 2.30 PM, aims to facilitate the development of new theory and stimulate discussions about how ownership shapes firm strategy. The theoretical and practical need of studying ownership in relation to firm strategy is pressing as ownership around the world is (again) becoming progressively concentrated in the hands of owners such as entrepreneurs, families, cooperatives, financial asset managers, foundations and states.
The goal of the conference is to bring together a diverse set of scholars with an interest in ownership, governance, and strategy to address the overarching question of what the role of ownership is for firm strategy and governance, with particular focus on the responsibility of owners in today’s economy.
For more information and register to the conference, please visit the website: www.strategicownership.com
Keynote Speaker: Luigi Zingales, University of Chicago Booth School of Business
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CONFERENCE DETAILS The conference is a joint effort by Bocconi University and the University of St.Gallen. The conference is free of charge.
Conference: 27 June 2023, 2:30PM-7:30PM (CEST)
MARIO DANIELE AMORE, Bocconi University
CHRISTINE SCHEEF, University of St.Gallen
PAOLA TARICCO, Bocconi University
THOMAS ZELLWEGER, University of St.Gallen