News and events
online event
Bringing the next generation into the company and shaping the next effective leadership
online event
Family and corporate strategic models Diversification and Family Office
online event
Dealing with non family shareolders Stock exchange and private equity options
Online event
Family Business as purpose-driven companies
Online event
Values, principles and mechanisms of responsible ownership
FAMILY BUSINESS STRATEGIES - Serie Webinar Autunno 2021
8th-9th June 2021 - Online conference
Owners as strategists: the role of owners for firm growth and sustainability
Online event
Valentino D’angelo presenta un paper dal titolo “Family Agents” in occasione del Seminario EuFBC
Primo incontro dedicato agli associati Confindustria giovani sulle aziende di famiglia
"La Continuità nelle aziende familiari", un evento moderato dal professor Corbetta e dal professor Salvato