1st Annual Corporate Entrepreneurship Workshop


1st Annual Corporate Entrepreneurship Workshop

EMLYON Business School 20th- 21st June 2011, Lyon

Corporate Entrepreneurship research: Where are we and where can we go from here?

Corporate Entrepreneurship has, since the 1980's, been a center of interest for scholars and managers. Since D. Miller's 1983 seminal work, great efforts have been made to differentiate CE and strategic management, to identify potential positive outcomes of CE, such as performance and growth, to elucidate the specificities of CE in family businesses.  More recently, the influence of HRM, culture, or education on CE have received much attention. Even though the body of literature qualifying and quantifying CE is large, is it consistent? How can we build on this knowledge considering the important economic and societal changes that have since occurred?

This brought EMLYON Business School to organize a workshop, in partnership with the European Council for Small Business and Entrepreneurship, on the theme: Corporate Entrepreneurship research: where are we, and where can we go from here?

Professor Shaker A. Zahra will deliver a keynote speech.

Breakout sessions will be organized for the following themes:

Corporate Entrepreneurship and HRM, chaired by James Hayton, Newcastle University Business School

Corporate Entrepreneurship in family businesses chaired by Salvatore Sciascia, IULM University- Milan

Corporate Entrepreneurship and culture chaired by Carlo Salvato, Università Bocconi

Corporate Entrepreneurship and growth chaired by Rainer Harms, Twente University

Corporate Entrepreneurship and strategy chaired by Shaker A. Zahra, University of Minnesota